from the observation deck… nobody wins
grafting yourself onto a trunk, leeching luxurious nutrients from the
you lied. about too many things to list here. you lied
assaulting senses & sensibilities, assuaging anxieties & angst
you made claims. you lied
signs pointing neon fingers to danger, delusions, and denigration lined
this primrose path
you promised love, but you lied
languishing perceptions of self-induced gaping wounds
you were supported, but you lied about not wanting to be
imbuing streets suffuse with acidic blood & balderdash
you lived high on the hog, and lied about your contribution
guiding the beguiled through psychosomatic peaks & valleys or
verdant envy
you had means, but you lied about having them
hiking high, fortune’s fool, intoxicated on fumes of sighs
you admitted your lies, then lied about your motivation
these delights have [emotionally] violent ends
you apologized for your lies, then lied about your apology
innocence is not objectively obtained or anointed
you yelled and screamed, then lied about yelling and screaming, then
yelled about screaming and lying, then screamed about lying and yelling
noting abuse primarily doesn’t ordain you the victim, or victimize you exclusively
you lied about abuse, then abused your alleged abuser
going home to not a home, homeless without knowing no one is putting
you down
you maybe aren’t a liar, but you lie about so much
you lied about things you didn’t need to lie about
there cannot be,
in this foolish fiction furiously projecting slings & arrows into your
exsanguinated heart,
any winners. shrapnel shreds soft tissue surrounding ground zero
while nuclear winter clouds settle softly into the
cankered crater
where you both once stood.
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